Friday, October 25-Sunday, October 27, 2002 Cincinnati, Ohio
Octocon: The Fall Relaxacon Classic:The second of the Cincinnati Fantasy Group's two annual relaxacons, Octocon is held in late (you guessed it) October. Our first -- and the first ever, anywhere, relaxacon -- is Midwestcon, which has a simple motto: "No boring panels, and no long-winded speakers." Octocon has an even simpler one: "Midwestcon is overprogrammed!" It's true: there are some people in fandom who find themselves at a loss without a schedule of activities in hand. For these few, Octocon may not prove an entirely suitable experience. But if you don't find yourself intimidated by the prospect of:
(Newcomers should be aware that Octocon is widely know for its cut-throat approach to the pasteboards. None of those namby-pamby "playing for money" charades, though; when you lose at our card games, we reach into your chest, rip out your self-esteem, stomp on it, and toss the mangled remnants onto the table so all your friends can watch them shrivel and die. You'll always find a seat waiting for you at one of our tables. And please...enjoy your weekend!)
(One last thing: for your con-going pleasure, we have again made arrangements to add an extra hour to the weekend during early Sunday morning. We ask that our attendees not discuss this publicly, however; these extra hours are in extremely limited supply, and should demand increase, the price would surely rise beyond what we are able to afford.)
The Hotel:Rooms are $79/night (plus tax) for a single/double (including those with a king-size bed) and $10 more for each occupant beyond the second. Room reservations must be guaranteed with credit card or first night's deposit. Cancellation deadline is 4 pm the day of arrival. Check in begins at 3 pm and check out is 12 noon. Extension of check out time is subject to availability. Reservations must be received by the hotel before September 27th in order to guarantee a room within the convention block. Don't delay, as there is a very good chance the hotel will be sold out for the weekend. The number is (513) 793-4300. Fax: (513) 793-1858. Be sure to let them know you're an Octocon attendee, in order to get the con rate. In addition to Sigee's (the hotel's own), there are dozens of restaurants within the five mile radius of the hotel's complimentary guest shuttle service (as well as two major shopping areas less than a mile to the west on Montgomery). See the "Local Color" link in the menu at the top of this page for more information.
Memberships:Make all checks payable (in U.S. dollars, please) to Deborah Oakes, and mail them to:
5627 Antoninus Drive Cincinnati, OH 45238 (513) 922-3234
Shuttle Service:Mind you, there are limits; pre-dawn arrivees will likely have to shift for themselves (or wait until our drivers have put away their garlic necklaces and wolfbane-soaked mosquito netting for the day). Those debarking at a reasonable hour, though, will find us quick to collect them and their luggage and bring both straight back to the fun and frivolity.
[WARNING: We all love Bill. Without him, there might not be a con. But he has been known to be just the teensiest bit slow in collecting and responding to email. Might we suggest the Bellophone as your best option in this case?]