Our Convention
nother year, another Midwestcon. Number 70 will be held the weekend of June 27-30, 2019. Be brave. Join now. Before we fall and can't get up....
[Hotel booking information here]
[ t o p o f p a g e ]
he following list is subject (but not likely) to change without notice. Updates will be made in as timely a manner as possible, but keeping current is your responsibility. You Have Been Warned. All meetings take place on Saturdays, and begin at 8 PM unless otherwise indicated. Addresses and further information are available directly from those hosts for whom an E-mail link is provided, or from the club through the date link.
Any column-spanning items are conventions. Where not otherwise indicated by a date and host(s), these preempt the meeting that would otherwise have been held that Saturday.
[ t o p o f p a g e ]
Current (
and/or <
>ebsited) Members
[ t o p o f p a g e ]
URL: http://www.cfg.org/aboutcfg.htm
All material © Cincinnati Fantasy Group, unless otherwise credited.
Last updated: Thursday, May 16, 2019
Created for the CFG by Scott Street (scottst@ix.netcom.com).
Maintained by the author.
Comments, questions & broken link reports: (webgeek@cfg.org).
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