bout eight months after Cinvention, the CFG's heavy lifting squad -- Don Ford, Stan Skirvin, Roy Lavender and Lou Tabakow -- produced an official Memory Book. It consisted chiefly of transcriptions of various program events, plus a few recollections of events by ConComm members and other attendees.
This republication marks the 50th Anniverary, more or less, of Cincinnati's first (and, given the nature of local fandom, quite possibly last) World Science Fiction Convention. Don and Lou are both gone, along with too many other names herein, but Stan and Roy -- and a few more -- remain. So "[l]et us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us": our thanks to these four and so many more who, through the years, have done the hard work necessary to enable the clans to gather at the World, and other, science fiction conventions.
Much obliged, ladies and gentlemen; very much indeed.
Because of scan quality problems, all interior illustrations have been omitted from this digital edition of the Cinvention Memory Book. They will be included if and when digital versions of acceptable quality become available.
URL: http://www.cfg.org/history/cinvention/mb/index.htm
All material © Cincinnati Fantasy Group, unless otherwise credited.
Last updated: Monday, August 25, 2008
Created for the CFG by Scott Street (scottst@ix.netcom.com).
Maintained by the author.
Comments, questions & broken link reports: (webgeek@cfg.org).
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