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Site Production Notes
This site is currently maintained (and expanded) using an Apple iBook G4/1GHz/14. Previous machines used in site development were: a PowerMac 7200/75; a Powerbook 5300; a Powerbook G3/250 (original style); and a Umax J600 (Macintosh clone). |
All pages within this site were created using Pagespinner, "The HTML Editor for MacOS" from Optima System. |
Most graphic manipulation was done using Lemke Software's Graphic Converter. |
Text graphics and image compositing were done with Adobe Photoshop. |
Portions of this site requiring frequent update are processed from database form using Tex-Edit Plus, a small but featureful word processing program from Trans-Tex Software, and AppleScript. |
File uploads are performed using Transmit, an FTP program from Panic LLC. |
Site design by Scott Street, a member of the HTML Writers Guild

Badge Softworks
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URL: http://www.cfg.org/_spnotes.htm
All material © Cincinnati Fantasy Group, unless otherwise credited.
Last updated: Monday, August 25, 2008
Created for the CFG by Scott Street (scottst@ix.netcom.com).
Maintained by the author.
Comments, questions & broken link reports: (webgeek@cfg.org).
![[[ CFG logo ]]](_images/cfg_bug.GIF)